Meet the #SkillAuto 2017 Finalists who will be competing to win GOLD @TheSkillShow in November at the Birmingham NEC!
Name Thomas Sach
College North Kent College
Employer Guy Salmon Maidstone
Hobbies DIY and Darts
Favourite car Audi R8
Best part of the job Seeing the end result!
About me…
Tom recently changed employers and has been with Guy Salmon for a short amount of time. He cam through our pilot scheme and did well at the heats gaining hima place in the finals
Why I chose this job…
I’ve always had an interest in cars, seemed the next thing to do. I started as an apprentice at BD Motors then moved at Guy Salmon in Maidstone.
My experience so far…
The facilities at Volkswagen Training Centre were amazing, was a fantastic place. The Process taught me to stay calm in stressful situations.
Looking forward to….
I’m looking forward to seeing what the finals are all about. I’d definitely recommend the competition to others.
The future…
In the future I’d prefer to have a job where I’m sat behind a desk, maybe a service manager or control manager.
Follow his journey to win Gold on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages!