Work Experience can seem a very daunting prospect and it’s not always clear where to start.
For employers it may be a new thing to undertake or a way to engage with the future workforce, for schools the automotive industry may be a sector not previously ventured into and for students it is often a one-off opportunity to find out what they want from their future … so, whether you are a STUDENT, a TEACHER who coordinates work experience or an EMPLOYER you all want the same results – a successful work experience placement!
To help the IMI has teamed up with Sytner Group, who have 20 well-known automotive names to their brand, and together they have put together three Work Experience Toolkits so that everyone involved can work together. The toolkits include support every step of the way, before, during and after the placement period, and are suitable for a variety of job roles from customer facing and office based roles through to technical careers within a workshop.
The aim is to ensure that the overall experience is worthwhile for everyone involved and all three toolkits can be DOWNLOADED from our Schools, Teachers & Careers Advisors resources web page.
Why not tell us about your own success with automotive work experience … just contact us and let us know what has worked well for you!