The search for automotive excellence has begun so we thought we’d take this opportunity to update you on a few changes to the 2018 competition cycle.

Nominations  Centres will be able to register with WorldSkills UK as many entrants as they wish for the Automotive Technology stream of competition. The restriction of five per campus/site has been removed.

Online test  Automotive Technology competitior registrants will this year be invited to attend a selected centre to complete the online test under exam conditions.  The online test process for the other streams (Body Repair, Refinishing and Heavy Vehicle Engineering) will operate as in previous years but also have the restriction removed. We hope to be able to adopt the new system for all competitions in 2019, enabling more young people to enter.

Travel  Unfortunately, due to budget restraints, we are unable to support travel costs for those progressing to the practical qualifying rounds, however IMI Skill Auto will still provide overnight accommodation and meals for competitors at the competition venues.

Register NOW!…/worldski…/find-a-competition

New National Qualifier venues for 2018

With registration for the 2018 WorldSkills competitions now open, IMI are delighted to announce that Nationwide Accident Repair has joined 3M, Henry Ford Academy and Scania Trucks in hosting this year’s Skill Auto national qualifying rounds.

The Body repair qualifiers will be held at their Training and Development Centre in Goole on 27th, 28th and 29th June, where 18 talented young apprentices from the body repair sector will compete for a place in the prestigious final, to be held at The Skills Show in November.

We’re delighted to be back at 3M Technical Centre in Atherstone for the Refinishing National Qualifiers which are the first of the Qualifiers which are on the 30th till the 1st June.

David Massie, IMI’s Skills Competition Manager, stated: “We always seek to deliver our competitions in centres of excellence, providing our competitors with the best facilities and equipment, so I’m delighted to be taking Skill Auto to Yorkshire and to Nationwide who have long supported the competitions and seen success at the highest level.”

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If you have any enquiries, please email or call +44 (0)1992 511521.


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