There are several steps to taking on an apprentice but it might not be as difficult as you think. There are many tools out there to guide you in how to take on an apprentice and the benefits for your business. Read on to find out more…
If you would like to know about funding available or how employing an apprentice will financially benefit your business, check out the ‘Provide and apprenticeship’ section on the IMI website.
Choosing an apprenticeships framework or standard and suitable level of apprenticeship for your apprentice will start you in the right direction. At the IMI Apprenticeships in England and Wales will now be delivered via apprenticeship standard. Scotland and Northern Ireland will more than likely still use and apprenticeship frame work. The main difference between these is the way in which your apprentices will be accessed for find out more click here…
Once you have figured out what apprenticeship you would like to support you need to find an organisation that offers training. You can find out this on the IMI website. Simply search your apprenticeship preference here and type in your postcode on the right hand side of the page.
You will now need to advertise your apprenticeship. If you haven’t already got someone in mind for an apprenticeship your training organisation will offer help to advertise this for you through the government find an apprenticeship service. The IMI can also advertise your apprenticeship for free on out jobs platform which you can see here. Just email Careers@theimi.org.uk with you job description or for any advice.
You can use an apprenticeship training agency if you want to employ an apprentice without the responsibility for running the apprenticeship scheme.
How long must an Apprenticeship last?
According to the government website apprenticeships must last for a minimum of a year but can last up to 5 years. IMI apprenticeship in general last for 2 years and some may last for 3 or more depending on the level of qualification your apprentice will want to achieve.
For any other question please feel free to email the careers team at careers@theimi.org.uk .
Hiring an Apprentice2020-06-252020-06-25http://www.autocity.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/imi-centenary-logo-min-1.pngIMI Autocityhttps://www.autocity.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/blue-yellow-and-red-technology-facebook-cover.png200px200px