Ruairi Barrow competed in the 2019 IMI Skill Auto Competition, making it to the final at World Skills. Competing in automotive technology after studying light vehicle qualifications, meant he was able to showcase his talent and learn even more. Ruairi shares his view on his time at world skills explaining, “I have learnt a lot from the competition and have gained experience in some tasks I don’t usually get to do on a day to day basis”.
The IMI sets challenges that test competitor’s knowledge, skills and ability to work under pressure. It also allows them to represent their training provider and employer as their guidance can help Competitors reach much further in the competition.
Ruairi no longer works for the same employer but is still working in and enjoying being a part of the automotive industry. A year on and he has just started his own business which he says “Hasn’t been as difficult as I first expected it to be but when you enjoy that line of work it makes it easier. You have your bad days but with the bad days you seem learn from them”. With the right qualifications, knowledge and confidence we hope that you are all able to find your way in the industry and stay in a career you love.
You can support Ruairi’s business which is called ‘Barrows Vehicle Servicing’ and is at start up level offering servicing, brake checks, MOT prep and diagnostics. At the IMI we support large and small businesses and we wish him the best of luck moving forward. If you would like to find out more about Barrows Vehicle Servings check out his Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Barrows-Vehicle-Servicing-2310689165886846/
Where are they now? – Ruairi Barrow SkillAuto Competitor 20192020-07-162020-07-16http://www.autocity.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/imi-centenary-logo-min-1.pngIMI Autocityhttps://www.autocity.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/where-are-they-now_.png200px200px