5 things you should know as a new apprentice

We spoke to some of our industry experts to ask them what their top hints and tips are:
• Research the Apprenticeship Standard you are registered on and the Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours you will need to demonstrate
• Know where you can find support information relating to your Apprenticeship
• Know what to expect when you reach End Point Assessment and who your End Point Assessment Organisation will be.
• Research what the benefits are of being an Apprentice are and how you can continue to develop and progress after completing your Apprenticeship
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make sure you show a positive attitude!


Five tips on a successful career in the automotive industry

Automotive companies are constantly competing in a very highly saturated market, with a variety of competitors always challenging to have the most business. That means that each business needs to be operating at its highest efficiency to have the edge over others. Within gaining that edge, having the right employees is one of the main contributions. This means that being successful in the industry takes work and constant development.

Your top tips to ensure you are operating at the top of your automotive game:

  1. First of all, you need excellent work ethic. Work can come in thick and fast in the automotive industry, jobs can be demanding and expectations can be high. Being prepared to work hard and show that you care about the job at hand will impress not only employers but also customers. Which in turn will increase the chances that customers will want to come back and use your services again. More customers mean a happier employer, increasing your worth to the business.
  2. Be knowledgeable. Have an interest in the work you are doing, be motivated and driven by completing the task you are doing. Knowing more about the role you are in and its surrounding areas will show your employer that not only are you well-informed but also that you care! Also, having knowledge of surrounding areas can only make you more valuable, as you are more likely to be versatile.
  3. Problem-solving skills. You’re going to need to know how to deal with problems both under the hood of a bonnet and in an office. Coming up with the best and least expensive solutions are skills that any employer will hold in very high regard. As well as this, customers also want the quickest and least expensive solution! So if it’s you providing it, then they are more than likely to return for business!
  4. Good communication– whether you are dealing with customers, co-workers, management, or anyone, good communication skills are super important! Not only do they make you easier to work with, but they are also your tool for building rapport with everyone around you. And the better the relationship you have with others, the more likable you are, which can be an incentive for your employer to want to keep you.
  5. Keep up to date. The automotive industry is one of the fastest evolving industries around, this means a constant need for change, a constant need for new ideas and new skills! If you are showing determination to evolve and develop then it will be obvious that you have a passion and care for your job.


How to secure your first job in the automotive industry 

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